Fractals' Exhibited Artist / Curator
Fanny Brodar
b. 1971, Norway, based in the USA
范妮‧布洛達爾的創作主題多源自她成長過程中的陪伴者 ,如卡通、玩偶等。孤獨的童年經歷為她繪製出獨特的世界觀,使得陪伴和熱鬧成為她成長歷程中最渴望的元素。因此在創作中運用鮮豔的色彩及複雜的角色將畫面塞滿,但在混亂之中卻又以可預測的形式讓角色出現,形成了看似童趣卻又縝密的畫面。並這不僅是對自己的療癒,也是對觀眾「內在小孩」的治癒。在此次展出的全新作品中,布洛達爾開始創作多件大尺幅的作品,並開始加入了以自然出發的想象角色,將目光放到對大自然的關懷中。
Fanny Brodar draws inspiration for her creations primarily from her childhood experiences, which have shaped her unique worldview. She portrays vibrant colors and intricate characters in her art to share a view of longing for company and liveliness. Her artworks are meticulously composed, creating a sense of order from chaos. Brodar's art is not only a means of self-healing but also a way to heal the inner child in the viewers. In her latest works, Brodar has ventured into creating larger pieces and has introduced imaginative characters inspired by nature. She aims to develop a caring connection with the natural world. Through her art, Brodar invites viewers to experience the world in a new way and find joy in the simple things in life.