Past Exhibition
C Square Gallery 很榮幸地宣佈,將於 2024 年 8 月 31 日,分別於一、二樓推出兩檔精選展覽:《邂逅:藏家珍藏特選展》以及《醉人》聯展。這兩場展覽各自從收藏與居家生活美學的角度切入,展現了藝術的深情與溫婉之美,為觀者帶來了一次別具意義的視覺和心靈之旅。 Read More...
C Square Gallery is excited to announce that on August 31, 2024, it will showcase two curated exhibitions on its first and second floors: "Converge: Collector's Collection Special Exhibition" and the group exhibition “Winsome”. Each exhibition provides a unique perspective on art, focusing on collection and home aesthetics, offering viewers a deeply meaningful visual and emotional journey. Read More...
由國際策展人 Sunny Chiang (姜冬仁) 為 C Square Gallery 規劃,展出新生代美籍台灣藝術家 James Hsieh (謝高元) 之個人展覽,旨在以作品中豐沛的色彩能量與夢境般的奇幻之旅,重燃後疫情時代對生活的幻想與韌力。 Read More...
In June 2024, international curator Sunny Chiang planned an exhibition at C Square Gallery featuring the work of emerging Taiwanese-American artist James Hsieh, with the aim of reigniting fantasies and resilience in the post-pandemic era through the abundant color energy and dreamlike journey depicted in his pieces. Read More...
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C Square Gallery 藝廊位於台中市人文藝術及生活質感薈萃的七期,毗鄰台中國家歌劇院而居。500平方米的空間,純白為基調佐以局部灰色清水模打造出一個聚焦於藝術的空間。藝廊內部融入自然共生元素,帶來靜心領受光影、場景、以及季節變化序列的精神遨遊。The premium location boasts modern skyscrapers towering in the street, the much sought-after residential neighborhoods with lavish tree-lined and exquisite lifestyle, as well as the ground-breaking cultural landmark of The National Taichung Theater by Pritzker Architecture Prize-winning Japanese architect Toyo Ito. The 500-square-meter space is based on pure white and partially gray water molding to create a space focused on art. The interior of the gallery incorporates natural symbiotic elements, bringing a spiritual journey of calmly enjoying the sequence of light, shadow, scenes, and seasonal changes. Learn More...