Past Exhibition
在人生的旅程中,每個人對風景的解讀都受到內心境界的影響。藝術家透過風景畫,揭示了他們的內在情感和人生思索。C Square Gallery 很榮幸將於 10 月 12 日至 12 月 22 日展出展覽 "Destined",展出傅作新(b.1971, 台灣)與盧爾德 · 納瓦羅(Lourdes Navarro, b.1984, Colombia)風景創作,探討個人與自然之間的聯繫。兩位藝術家的作品展現了他們對風景畫不同的詮釋,並與觀者帶入一同體驗心靈與自然的共鳴。 Read More...
On the journey of life, each person's interpretation of a landscape is influenced by their inner state of mind. Through landscape painting, artists reveal their inner emotions and reflections on life. C Square Gallery is honored to present “Destined”, an exhibition featuring the landscape works of Fu Tso-Hsin (b.1971, Taiwan) and Lourdes Navarro (b.1984, Colombia), from October 12 to December 22. Their works explore the connection between individuals and nature, offering unique interpretations of landscapes that resonate deeply with viewers, inviting them to experience the harmony between the soul and the natural world. Read More...
C Square Gallery 很榮幸地宣佈,將於 2024 年 8 月 31 日,分別於一、二樓推出兩檔精選展覽:《邂逅:藏家珍藏特選展》以及《醉人》聯展。這兩場展覽各自從收藏與居家生活美學的角度切入,展現了藝術的深情與溫婉之美,為觀者帶來了一次別具意義的視覺和心靈之旅。 Read More...
C Square Gallery is excited to announce that on August 31, 2024, it will showcase two curated exhibitions on its first and second floors: "Converge: Collector's Collection Special Exhibition" and the group exhibition “Winsome”. Each exhibition provides a unique perspective on art, focusing on collection and home aesthetics, offering viewers a deeply meaningful visual and emotional journey. Read More...
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C Square Gallery 藝廊位於台中市人文藝術及生活質感薈萃的七期,毗鄰台中國家歌劇院而居。500平方米的空間,純白為基調佐以局部灰色清水模打造出一個聚焦於藝術的空間。藝廊內部融入自然共生元素,帶來靜心領受光影、場景、以及季節變化序列的精神遨遊。The premium location boasts modern skyscrapers towering in the street, the much sought-after residential neighborhoods with lavish tree-lined and exquisite lifestyle, as well as the ground-breaking cultural landmark of The National Taichung Theater by Pritzker Architecture Prize-winning Japanese architect Toyo Ito. The 500-square-meter space is based on pure white and partially gray water molding to create a space focused on art. The interior of the gallery incorporates natural symbiotic elements, bringing a spiritual journey of calmly enjoying the sequence of light, shadow, scenes, and seasonal changes. Learn More...