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◎C Square Gallery 創立於2019年 (原Mr. Wing Gallery清風藝廊) 從台灣中青代以及中國當代藝術家起步,積極成為與國際接軌的藝術平台。藝廊位於台中市人文藝術及生活質感薈萃的七期,毗鄰台中國家歌劇院而居。500平方米的空間,純白為基調佐以局部灰色清水模打造出一個聚焦於藝術的空間。藝廊內部融入自然共生元素,帶來靜心領受光影、場景、以及季節變化序列的精神遨遊。



全然專注、共享藝術視野。做為連接藝術家與收藏家的樞紐,我們不限於挑選特定表現媒材或創作主題,著重支持勇於突破既有表現形式框架、同時堅持於傳遞個人美感語彙的創作者。作品的衝擊力不僅來自獨特的個人表現力、或是新穎媒體所激發的視覺效果,同時來自更深層次的社會性及哲學性議題探索,兼顧市場性以及學術性價值。C Square Gallery 提供穩健精準的收藏專業,無論是以藝廊空間作為基地籌辦的展出、國內外藝術博覽會的參與以及為不同社群、藝術家交流所進行的創作專案,我們都堅持「以藝術家為核心」作為自身特質與信念。專注於藝術經紀外,也致力於私人洽購、藝術行旅、藝術授權等專業服務的延伸。讓無論藝術家或收藏家都能發掘全新視野。

◎C Square Gallery was founded in 2019 (formerly Mr. Wing Gallery) and began with a vision to provide support and exposure to Taiwanese and Chinese contemporary artists through solo or thematic group shows. C Square Gallery is actively becoming an art platform lining up with the international art market. The premium location boasts modern skyscrapers towering in the street, the much sought-after residential neighborhoods with lavish tree-lined and exquisite lifestyle, as well as the ground-breaking cultural landmark of The National Taichung Theater by Pritzker Architecture Prize-winning Japanese architect Toyo Ito. The 500-square-meter space is based on pure white and partially gray water molding to create a space focused on art. The interior of the gallery incorporates natural symbiotic elements, bringing a spiritual journey of calmly enjoying the sequence of light, shadow, scenes, and seasonal changes.


Connect|Curate|Contemporary|Community  "Total focus, connect worldwide vision".

We plan to present mainly groundbreaking contemporary sculptures, paintings, and new media within an academic context and to introduce more internationally established and emerging artists across different cultural backgrounds.

The roster of artists we are building up represents an artistic exploration of media, visual language, and perception that is beyond norms. Just as the insistence on both academic and market aspects of art, C Square Gallery hopes to present the diversity and discipline of international contemporary art, leading art lovers to experience innovative works with experimental significance. By focusing on the value of art, we are committed to providing professional services such as private sales, art trips, and art licensing in addition to art agency. Allowing both artists and collectors to discover new horizons.

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