Series 3
Nonbinary Chat Room
“Nonbinary Chat Room” 系列啟迪於畢卡索的「立體主義」概念,以多視點多角度取代自然模擬,點線面的解構、象徵性地筆觸和棱角分明的幾何結構,重新拼接為不一而足的畫面,呈現明快而富有張力與視覺震撼的感受。就像隨心與混亂、具象與抽象的二元對立,平衡地重現在魯賓斯坦魔幻嵌合的性質中。一如他對此系列的自述:「畫中的主角們皆為『非二元』的生物形態人物,其角色沒有性別、沒有物種,不適合任何二元論:他們就只是『活著』。」
與展覽同名的主展品 “The Playground” 呈現魯賓斯坦最標誌性的複雜構圖和艷麗色彩。這幅構圖恢宏而意興勃勃的作品核心,是對人類渴望向外探索的動態性本質、及在這樣動能趨勢下與塑造它的世界之間的關聯。混沌而蓬勃的藍、紅、黃色層在前景與背景之間搖擺不定,輔以粗獷的黝黑線條迅疾跳躍、動勢交織,層次豐富的筆觸與強烈的用色,迸發出質感紋理豐富的效果,讓我們陷入了沉浸式的,由繪畫語言開啟的一處猶如遊戲的場域:充滿變化、反射與躁動。
The "Nonbinary Chat Room" series draws inspiration from Picasso's groundbreaking concept of "Cubism," a departure from naturalistic representation that embraces multiple perspectives and angles. It involves the deconstruction of points, lines, and planes through the use of symbolic brushwork and sharp geometric structures, ultimately reassembling them into a diverse array of compositions that deliver a vibrant and visually captivating experience. Rubenstein's work skillfully reimagines and balances binary oppositions such as spontaneity and chaos, figurative and abstract elements, resulting in a magical amalgamation.
In Rubenstein's own words regarding this series, "The characters depicted in the paintings are all 'nonbinary' anthropomorphic beings. They transcend gender and species, defying any binary categorization; they simply 'exist'."
The focal point of the exhibition, bearing the same title as the series, is "The Playground." This masterpiece showcases Rubenstein's most iconic and intricate composition, coupled with a vivid color palette. At its essence, this grand and dynamic artwork embodies the human drive for curiosity and exploration, highlighting the connection between this innate force and the world that molds it. Chaotic and vibrant layers of blue, red, and yellow ebb and flow between the foreground and background, complemented by bold, interlocking dark lines, intricate brushwork, and intense color utilization. These elements collectively create a textured and immersive experience, immersing the viewer in a world reminiscent of a game, replete with transformations, reflections, and restlessness, all communicated through the language of painting.

Ground Control To Major Tomm
oil, acrylic, charcoal on canvas
183 x 305 cm

The Playground
oil, acrylic, charcoal on canvas
168 x 216 cm

Girl's Night Out
oil, acrylic, charcoal on canvas
168 x 244 cm

Space Odyssey
oil, acrylic, charcoal on canvas
163 x 153 cm

King of Knowledge
oil, acrylic, gold powder, charcoal on canvas
203 x 163 cm

Pinky Pie
oil, acrylic, charcoal on canvas
194 x 130 cm

oil, acrylic, charcoal on canvas
194 x 130 cm

Tangerine Dream
oil, acrylic, charcoal on canvas
194 x 130 cm