Huang Chih-Cheng, a Taiwanese artist, is known for his exceptional art. He won several prestigious awards, including the 2015 Next Art Tainan and the Selected Prize in Kaohsiung Awards 2014. His artworks are collected by the Tainan Museum of Fine Arts and the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
Chih-Cheng's art uses metal leaves to explore time, life, and death. He questions the reality of contemporary society through his distinctive style. His art implies the different formations of the world.
In 2015, Chih-Cheng participated in several exhibitions, including the 'Forest Banquet' and 'FINE ART/UNIVERSITY SELECTION'. His unique talent and style make him a remarkable artist.
黃至正深受箔材同時具有脆弱與剛硬的二元性吸引,作品關注現象的形成,並透過個人經驗的演繹,反問當代建構的現實是否 堅固。至正的作品經常往返年幼歲月,探討人的關係如何質變,也在這當中觸及了生命的各個面向與時間感知。在創作者的眼 中,萬物的界線總是曖昧的,永不復見的人能隨時在記憶中重逢、無關的事物能透過奇想賦予連結,因而創作該是在人們習以 為常的生活中,製造些微的騷動,在人們以為一成不變的尋常日子裡,暗示另一個知覺性世界存在的可能

Born in 1988 in Miao-Li, lives and works in Taipei and Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Education Background
Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University (2010-2013)
Department of Visual Arts, National Pingtung University of Education (2007-2010)
Solo Exhibitions
2023 ū-iánn, Double Square Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2022 Tomorrow will never come, 107Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2022 The Depths, MUMU Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan
2021 Mercury Falls, A Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 The Butter Just Melted, MUMU Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan
2018 Elephant in the Room, Telling Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Tylosis Diaty, Black and white Gallery, Pingtung, Taiwan
2017 Huang Chih Cheng Solo Exhibitions, THZ Gallery, Yingge, Taiwan
2016 Art Taipei 2016 - Extended Exhibition of Huang Chih-Cheng, Telling Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 Total of past and now, ISART Art, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2015 Roaming the Shores, A Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 AirAmusement, Good Studio, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 Awakening of the Season, Yup Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 The World Between Reality And ImaginationGraduation Solo Exhibition, Taichung, Taiwan
2013 Memento mori, Zspace, Taichung, Taiwan
Group Exhibitions
2023 Here is where we meet, Chiayi Art Museum, Chiayi, Taiwan
2023 Ink Insighters, Moon Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2022 Serene Scene, Yiyun Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2022 The Secret of artwork - next art Tainan, Mezzo Art, Tainan, Taiwan
2021 Swinging time and consciousness, MR. WING GALLERY, Taichung, Taiwan
2021 Very Crowded, VT Art Salon, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 The Romance of Love, YAMI ART SPACE, Taichung, Taiwan
2021 A House Built on Sand, other Art things, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 GOLD MOMENT, Lei Xiang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 Younger Than Buddha, Double Square Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 Microscript, or the genius loci of animal's hiding place, MUMU Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan
2020 Time Record Five Types of Abstract, Nan Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 Hakka art exhibition takes place in Taipei, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 Transforming City, Deerforest Stationery Store, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2020 GO TO TAIWAN 3rd O-Bank Education Foundation & Apollo Art Awards, Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 Figure Painting, Nan Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 Modernology of Time, Hsinchu 241 Art Gallery, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2019 Sealed Landscapes, Records of Anomalies - Selected Works from the TNAM Collection, Tainan Art Museum, Tainan, Taiwan
2019 Inner Space, Taipei Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 Unjust Deadline-Postwar Journalist, National Human Rights Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 ONE ART Taipei, The Sherwood Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Flowers of Immense Charm--A Masterpiece Exhibition by Four Major Museums, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2018 TAIPEI ART PHOTO(TAP), Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Young Art Kaohsiung, The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2018 MENTAL SAFARI, Guan Xiang Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 ART FORMOSA, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park Eslite Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Bangkok Biennial, TENTACLES, Bangkok, Thailand
2018 Residency Artist Exhibition, Taipei Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Nostalgic impressions About the past, THZ Gallery, Yingge, Taiwan
2017 Talented Young Artists Exhibition, DAHSIN Art Museum, Canton, China
2017 Street Fun, Fun Street-MOCA X Community Art Festival, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 After the MIT Award, Telling Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Paper art, MUMU Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan
2017 Fantasy land of animals, Tunghai University Art Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2017 Ink × Multiplicities II Joint Exhibition from the Next Generation, Show Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2017 Spring Exhibition- Huang Chih-Cheng, Wong Xiang-Yi, Wu Chien-Yi, Telling Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Scenery, MUMU Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan
2017 Taipei International Hotel Art Fair YOUNG ART TAIPEI, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Asia Contemporary Art Show, Conrad Hong Kong Hotel, Conrad, Hong Kong
2016 HAM Extreme Art Exhibition, Ham Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2016 Art Kaohsiung Archaeologist, YIRI ARTS, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2016 ART TAIPEI Made in Taiwan-Young Artist Discovery, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 Zoologist, YIRI ARTS Pier-2 Space, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2016 Bio Apartment Vol.3-Succession, Herbarium of National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 Next Generation of Artists Superstars, Tea & Books House, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 Un Nomade, b. LAB, Taichung, Taiwan
2016 Young Art Kaohsiung, The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2016 Asia Contemporary Art Show, Conrad Hong Kong Hotel, Conrad, Hong Kong
2016 NO.7, Taipei Artist Village, Barry Room, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 The New Generation Art, New Taipei Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 Spring Travel, Regent Galleria, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 Dreams.HabitationsNTMoFA Young Artist Collection Exhibition, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2015 FINE ART / UNIVERSITY SELECTION, Tsukuba Museum of Art, Tsukuba, Japan
2015 Forest Banquet, Regent Galleria, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 Young Art Kaohsiung, The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2015 Before.After, Nan Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 Next Art Tainan 2015,Tayih Landis Hotel, Tainan, Taiwan
2015 The new arts in southern Taiwan, National Kaohsiung University Applied SciencesArtCenter, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2014 Taipei Free Art Fair, Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 NEW CITY ART FAIR, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 A Database Living Bodies: The Production of Image Variation With Color Ink, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 Kaohsiung Awards 2014, Kaohsiung museum of fine arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2014 Metamorphosis and Regeneration, Da Xiang Art Space, Taichung, Taiwan
2013 Next Art Tainan 2013, Room A, Tainan, Taiwan
2013 Taipei International Hotel Art Fair YOUNG ART TAIPEI, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 ART TAINAN 2014, Tayih Landis Hotel,Tainan, Taiwan
2013 Urge for Going, Zspace, Taichung, Taiwan
2013 Rookie Exhibition, Shijie Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2012 ART TAIPEI, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 Chimera, Tunghai University 43, Taichung, Taiwan
2012 Kaohsiung Fine Arts, Sprout Young, Dadong Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2012 Concept City, Tunghai University 43, Taichung, Taiwan
2012 IfOne Thing Is Important, MSTEA, Taichung, Taiwan
2012 Taoyuan Creation Award, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taoyuan County Government, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2012 PingtungFine Arts Exhibition, Pingtung Art Museum, Pingtung, Taiwan
2012 Kaohsiung Awards 2012, Kaohsiung museum of fine arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2011 The Arising Artist Award of New Taipei City, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 The 29th Taoyuan Fine Arts Exhibition, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2022 2022 TDCC Contemporary Arts Awards
2022 The 21st Taishin Arts Award nomination for season 3
2021 Tianmei Art Foundation Taiwan Contemporary Artists Publishing Project
2019 The 6th Tianmei Art Foundation Taiwan Contemporary Artists Overseas Visit Program (Amsterdam/Basel/Venice)
2018 Taiwan Emerging Art Awards, Selected Prize
2016 Made in Taiwan Young Artist Discovery
2016 The 3rd Tianmei Art Foundation Taiwan Contemporary Artists Overseas Visit Program (Shanghai/Beijing)
2015 Next Art Tainan, First Place Award
2014 Kaohsiung Awards 2014, Woodblock Print, Selected Prize
2013 Next Art Tainan 2013, Selected Prize
2012 The Arising Artist Award of New Taipei City, Selected Prize
2012 The 12th Taoyuan Contemporary Art Award, Selected Prize
2012 Kaohsiung Awards 2012, Digital Plane, Selected Prize
2011 The Arising Artist Award of New Taipei City, Selected Prize
2011 The 29th Taoyuan Fine Arts Exhibition, Gouache Group, Third Place Award
2011 New Generation Book Cover Desing Competition, Creative Award
2021 <Museum2 >, Art Bank Taiwan, Taichung, Taiwan
2020 < Memo 3>, Art Bank Taiwan, Taichung, Taiwan
2019 <Soma7 ><Soma8>, Art Bank Taiwan, Taichung, Taiwan
2018 <Rusty Memory-Rusty Memory-Fort><Rusty Memory-Rusty Memory-Twins>, Art Bank Taiwan, Taichung, Taiwan
2017 <Rusty Memory3>, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2017 <Rusty Memory12>, Art Bank Taiwan, Taichung, Taiwan
2016 <The moments3>, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2015 < The Flower Sutras3>, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2015 < Decadent garden>< The moments >< The Flower Sutras>,Tainan Art Museum,Tainan, Taiwan
Published Item
2022 " Transmography", self-publishing
Artist in Residence
2020-2022 Banqiao 435 Art Zone, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2018 Taipei Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 On the RoadArtist-in-Residence, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2015 Kio-A-Thau Artist-in-Residence , Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Workshop / Crossover
2021 One that reminds me of you-Undecimber Fin Album, 4W STUDIO, Taichung, Taiwan
2021 Reading Sexualities-The Many Faces of Gendered Literature in Taiwan, National Museum of Taiwan Literature, Tainan, Taiwan
2020 Cross-Borer Red Envelope, 4W STUDIO, Taichung, Taiwan
2020 Super Leisure Lifestyle Show - Emma Agarwood, Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2020 Future All IN - GoodPoint Exchange, Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 Life and Puzzles-Rubbing and Collage Creation Workshop, Hsinchu 241 Art Gallery, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2018 Foil art and flower workshop, Guan Xiang Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Shiseido Brand Cooperation workshop, Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2017 Gold and silver foil beauty workshop, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 Un nomade- Gold foil workshop, b. LAB, Taichung, Taiwan
2016 Plant rubbing workshop, New Taipei Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 Forest Treasure Gold Foil Painting Workshop, Qiao Qiao Studio, Yunlin, Taiwan