2024 年 6 月,由國際策展人 Sunny Chiang (姜冬仁) 為 C Square Gallery 規劃,展出新生代美籍台灣藝術家 James Hsieh (謝高元) 之個人展覽,旨在以作品中豐沛的色彩能量與夢境般的奇幻之旅,重燃後疫情時代對生活的幻想與韌力。
In June 2024, international curator Sunny Chiang planned an exhibition at C Square Gallery featuring the work of emerging Taiwanese-American artist James Hsieh, with the aim of reigniting fantasies and resilience in the post-pandemic era through the abundant color energy and dreamlike journey depicted in his pieces.
此次,James Hsieh 的展題《Dreamscapes: A Kaleidoscope of Imagination》,將他在紐約的經歷與台灣的童年回憶交織一起,用不同材料轉化為立體軟雕塑和編織掛毯。從2017年的作品《Follow Me》,一群藍色小蟻在生命群體中探索的焦慮,到2021年的《Carry On》,藍色小蟻忙碌的搬運死去蝴蝶羽翼的掛毯,呼應自然界的生死循環和復甦。James 的作品反映了自體生活,展現著藝術家創作的旅程和思緒的延展。
Titled "Dreamscape: A Kaleidoscope of Imagination," Hsieh's exhibition interweaves his experiences in New York with childhood memories, transforming them into 3D soft sculptures and woven tapestries using various materials. From "Follow Me" in 2017, depicting blue ants exploring amidst crowds with anxiety, to "Carry On" in 2021, portraying busy blue ants transporting the wings of dead butterflies, each artwork echoes the cycles of life and rejuvenation in nature, resembling stories of life itself and showcasing his emotional journey and growth as an artist.

James Hsieh, 2015年到紐約延續藝術創作的學習,與紐約的生活碰撞,迸發了他大量創作的靈感。「紐約的白天是目不暇給的競爭,而在夜晚,我常常夢見童年時在阿嬤家菜園裡的情景。」夢境,成為他創作的源泉
James Hsieh, who embarked on his artistic journey in New York in 2015, found inspiration from the collision of life in the city. "New York's daytime is a relentless competition, but at night, I often dream of scenes from my childhood in my grandma's garden," he said. These dreams became the wellspring of his creativity.
Sunny 此次策展,邀請觀者一同沉浸在 James 豐富、懷舊與奇想交錯的世界,在 C Square Gallery 探索藝術家的紐約夢境。讓他天馬行空的自由與萬花筒般的能量,為我們捕捉生命一瞬和那豐富且多彩的宇宙。
Sunny's curation invites viewers to immerse themselves in James's rich, nostalgic, and imaginative world. Together at C Square Gallery, they explore the artist's New York dreamscape, capturing fleeting moments of life with resilient and abundant beliefs in a universe of boundless freedom and vibrant color energy.
姜冬仁 Sunny Chiang
b. 1975, Taiwan
策展人 Curator
2017 年成立工作室 STUDIO 25 NYC,以獨到的眼光,引進亞洲獨立時尚品牌進入國際市場,並受聘為臺北時裝周國際行銷總監
2023 年跨界藝術,為臺灣工藝研究發展中心規劃並執行《綠色工藝展》,於華盛頓與紐約兩地之展出
Sunny Chiang graduated from New School, Media Studies, and is currently based in New York City. With over a decade of experience in the fashion media industry, Sunny has made significant contributions to various international magazines and has conducted interviews with renowned fashion designers.
In 2017, Sunny founded STUDIO 25 NYC, a PR Studio that introduced independent Asian fashion brands to the global market, leveraging her distinctive perspective and later, appointed as the Global PR Director for Taipei Fashion Week.
In 2023, Sunny worked in the art field by curating and overseeing the execution of the "Green Craft Exhibition" for the Taiwan Craft Research and Development Center. This exhibition was presented in both Washington and New York City, showcasing Sunny’s commitment to promoting artistry and innovation on an international scale.

Exhibited Artworks
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Installation View

Dreamscapes: A Kaleidoscope of Imagination
Sunny Chiang 姜冬仁
參展藝術家|Exhibited Artists
James Hseih 謝高元
貴賓預展|VIP Preview
2024.6.8 1500-1800
公眾展期|Public Day
2024.6.9 - 7.28