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Christina Zimpel


Christina Zimpel's paintings feature a recurring motif of big-eyed girls with their hair piled high. These girls symbolize the pin-up girls from 1950s America, as seen in posters and newspapers, reminiscent of the art of Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901). Zimpel skillfully employs striking contrasting colors and simplistic shapes to craft a powerful interplay that elicits profound emotions in the viewer, reminiscent of the popular 60s glam punk movement that dominated her formative years.Her girls transcend any specific era; they represent a beautiful symbol from the collective memory of each individual.

克莉絲汀娜‧贊波繪畫中反覆出現將頭髮高高盤起的大眼女孩。這些女孩象徵美國 50 年代在海報或是報章雜誌上的性感模特兒,即所謂的「海報女郎」( Pin-up girl)。透過流行文化中美麗女孩的主題,令人聯想到後印象派法國藝術家羅德列克(Toulouse-Lautrec,1864-1901),將供人觀賞的女郎們作為繆思,闡述屬於個別時代的特有風景。贊波利用強烈對比的顏色並簡潔的分割形狀,兩者相互輝映下,令畫面深刻人心。贊波的作品回應道成長時期, 她的作品回應了 60-70 年代美國華麗龐克的流行,以及引響他很深的野獸派。贊波筆下的女孩們不屬於任何時代,她們屬於每個人心中共同記憶中的美麗象徵。

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1961 Born Perth, Western Australia

1979-82 BA, Graphic Design Curtin University, Western Australia

Selected Exhibitions


Understudy, Olsen Annexe, Sydney Australia

Wave, HAGD Contemporary, Aalborg Denmark

Body Language, The Cabin and The Bunker, Los Angeles CA

 The I’s Inside, Schönfeld Galleries, Brussels Belgium


Little Fires, Schönfeld Galleries, Brussels Belgium

Bright Eyes, Maison Kitsuné Perry- Archives & Gallery, New York


Botanical Drawings, Hesperios, New York


Book People, Book/Shop, Oakland CA

Group Exhibitions


Salut Henri, NBB Gallery, Berlin, Germany

Fractals, C Square Gallery, Taichung City, Taiwan


30 Year Celebration, Olsen Gallery, Sydney, Australia

Origins, Rhodes London, UK

Friends and Family, Beers, London, UK

Botanica, The Finch Project, London UK

A PRO POT, D’Apostrof Galerie, Meigem Belgium


The Patriot, O’Flaherty’s, New York NY

Odd & Imaginary, Simard Bilodeau Contemporary Los Angeles

Fun Gal Gro Up Show , Gallery Sade Los Angeles


Tiny Art Fair,  Madrid Spain

Parcours Saint Germain, Paris France


Studiolo #05, Less is More Projects, Paris France

About Face, Sheffer Gallery, Sydney Australia

Polly Borland: Polymorph, Sullivan+ Strumpf, Sydney Australia


2024 CAN Art Fair, HAGD Contemporary Ibiza Spain

2023 Untitled Art Fair, HAGD Contemporary, Miami FL

2023 Luxembourg Art Week, Schönfeld Gallery - Luxembourg

2023 Art on Paper, Brussels International Contemporary Drawing Fair, Schönfeld Gallery - Brussels Belgium

2023 Drawing Now, Schönfeld Gallery - Paris France

2022 Luxembourg Art Week, Schönfeld Gallery - Luxembourg

2022 Art on Paper, Brussels International Contemporary Drawing Fair, Schönfeld Gallery - Brussels Belgium

2023 La Brea Studio Artist Residency, Los Angeles CA

2023 Schönfeld C, Brussels Belgium

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