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Matthew Stone


Matthew Stone is internationally acclaimed for his diverse artistic style and multimedia practice. With a mission to break conventional boundaries, he showcases a bold and uninhibited creativity. Since graduating from the Camberwell College of Arts in London in 2004, Stone has made a remarkable impact, and in 2016, he was invited to exhibit at the prestigious Somerset House in London. Stone's artwork combines the uniqueness of hand-drawn elements by the artist with the possibilities of digital construction, creating a one-of-a-kind visual experience within his distinctive hybrid creative process. Starting in 2022, he has also incorporated the latest AI drawing model, "DALL‧E 2," into his painting creations. In this exhibition, he presents nine AI-generated portrait paintings created in 2023, utilizing this cross-media approach to challenge the narrative distinction between "simulated aesthetic creation" and "digital generative art" that is often taken for granted. Through his artwork, Stone explores the argument that "self-existence" and "digital life" are not binary opposites but rather interconnected.


馬修‧史東以多元創作風格和跨媒體的藝術實踐享譽國際。以打破固有框架為創作宗旨,展現出一種奔放而無拘束的創意。自 2004 年畢業於倫敦坎伯韋爾藝術學院後即一鳴驚人,2016 年更獲邀於倫敦藝術殿堂「Somerset House 美術館」展出。史東的創作結合藝術家親手繪製的獨有性以及數位構建的可能性,並在他特有的混合式創作過程中創造出獨一無二的視覺體驗。2022 年起他更首次將最新的 AI 繪圖模型《DALL‧E 2》技術導入自己的繪畫創作。此次展出創作於 2023 年的九幅 AI 人工智能肖像畫,通過這種跨媒材的方式,Stone 對普遍不假思索地將 「模擬的創作美學」與 「數位生成藝術」做出區隔的敘事性提出質疑。藉由創作,史東闡述了「自身存在」及「數位生活」與人們非二元對立的論點。

b. 1982, London, England

Lives and works in London



BA, Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts of London, England


Select Solo Exhibitions


AI Paintings, The Hole, New York, NY


A Portrait of The Artist in The Metaverse, The Hole, New York, NY


Together, The Hole, New York, NY


Small Awakenings, CHOI&LAGER Gallery


NEOPHYTE, The Hole, New York, NY


Back into the Body, CHOI&LAGER Gallery, Seoul, Korea


Healing With Wounds, Somerset House, London, UK


New Photography I & II, Artuner, London, UK

Solo Presentation, Volta Basel, Switzerland


Emotional Manipulation, v1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Cosmic Flesh, Union Gallery, London, England

Other Words (Wounded Healer), (performance) NY Carlsberg Glyptotek

Denmark Muse Control*, (performance) The Hole, NY


Matthew Stone, Subliminal Projects, Los Angeles, CA


Love Focused Like a Laser, The Hole, New York, NY

House of the Nobleman Residency, London, England

Unconditional Commitment to Sacred Love, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Everything is Possible, La Scatola Gallery x Union Gallery, London, England


Sculpture Installation, Mondrian Hotel, Miami Art Basel, Miami, FL

Optimism as Cultural Rebellion, The Hole, New York, NY

Forever Rules, Union Gallery, London, England

Rules Forever, Union Gallery, London, England


Anatomy of Immaterial Worlds, ICA, London, England

Body Language, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark


Interconnected Echoes, Galerie Paul Freches, Paris, France

The Co-Existence of Uncompromised Visions, Boyschool, London, England


The Songs of The Spheres in The Palm of Your Hand, Conduits / Gea Politi, Milan, Italy


Future Hindsight, Union Gallery, London, England


Tianhuang Dadi, Terence Koh’s Asia Song Society, New York, NY

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